«It was definitely worthwhile for me»

A semester abroad in Birmingham and its impact
Reading time: 3 min.

By Anna von Röpenack

As soon as I started studying, I knew I wanted to spend a semester abroad, preferably in England. I was eager to immerse myself in the country’s culture and lifestyle. Through the Erasmus+ programme, I ended up going to Birmingham. I still benefit from the experiences I gained there even today.

© Anna von Röpenack

Anna von Röpenack spent a semester abroad at Birmingham City University with Erasmus+. Since completing her Master’s degree, she has worked as International Coordinator at the CBS International Business School in Cologne.

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Anna von Röpenack completed an Erasmus+ semester abroad at Birmingham City University

Studying in the second biggest city in the United Kingdom

It was exciting for me at the time to be able to study my subject, English literature and culture, from a different perspective and take courses that weren’t on offer at my home university – Paderborn University. For my programme, I think there are 2 or 3 Erasmus partner universities in England. I ultimately chose Birmingham because I really wanted to live in a big city which is widely considered to be a «melting pot» of different cultures and nations.

Birmingham City University offered some really interesting courses for my programme, particularly the «The Gothic» course, which was taught by a professor who is really passionate about the subject. I was also impressed with all the university societies and activities specifically for students. So it was a combination of my interest in the city, the courses offered at BCU and the extracurricular activities that ultimately inspired me to break out of my routine in Germany and spend a semester in Birmingham. 

Retrospective Perceptions on the Development of Skills

Responses in percent, N = 13,776

Persons who currently hold a position as employee/civil servant or are self-employed.

Source: preview of Erasmus+ Follow-up Survey […], NA DAAD 2024 (preliminary results), slide 16 

An experience with a lasting impact

Like many students, it was the friendships I made that defined my time abroad and had a lasting impact. Everyone is in the same situation at the beginning, everyone is a stranger. This brings people together, and in my case, at least, it led to friendships that have endured to this day. 

Being exposed to different cultures has made me a more tolerant person. Sharing a flat with an outgoing American, a rather reserved Chinese woman and a Spaniard who always ate dinner 3 hours after me and went to bars when I was already in bed meant that I learned to understand and be respectful of others. I’ve also become a more self-confident person. I have more confidence in myself, am more open to others. And I take advantage of opportunities that are offered to me.

Important experiences for professional life

I currently work as an International Coordinator in the International Office of a private university in Cologne. Almost every day, I’m required to advise students about their semester abroad, oversee administrative processes and maintain contact with partner universities. Erasmus+ is an important part of my work, because many of our students spend their semester abroad at an Erasmus partner university. 

Because of my own experiences, I feel I can advise students more effectively. I understand the kind of questions they have before they leave and I can help them make their time abroad the best experience of their lives. Without Erasmus+, I wouldn’t be doing the job I do today.  

My Erasmus+ semester abroad had a profound impact on me and made me the person I am today. That’s why I want to help students have a similar experience and encourage them to embark on this adventure. I can honestly say that it was definitely worthwhile for me! 

Anna von Röpenack went to the UK with Erasmus+ in 2017/2018.