Organisation and content
At the instigation of the University administration, the eighth Europe Week took place from 9 to 12 May 2023 with the theme «Challenges of young people in Europe». Each year, a different central internationalisation unit at EUF – the Language Centre, the International Center, the International Degree Programme Coordinator – is responsible for coordinating the event. This year, it was the turn of the International Center. From 2024, permanent responsibility will lie with the European and International Affairs Officer, Dr Isabella Tegethoff. «By taking this step, we guarantee the continuity and efficiency of our planning and organisation,» explains Tegethoff, «because one person will be in charge of everything to do with the event management and members of the University will have a clear point of contact. This means we will be able to consolidate the success of Europe Week.»
What will not change, however, is that researchers, teachers and students will continue to organise their own contributions relating to the respective Europe Week theme, which highlights one aspect of Europeanisation. At the same time, they can address other international topics they consider relevant that go beyond the borders of Europe. This openness has proven successful over the years, stresses Tegethoff, and it guarantees that the programme is eventful and varied. «It gives everyone the opportunity to contribute and showcase the important international issues and projects they are currently working on.»