Interview with Professor Plünnecke on the IW study The joint study by the Erasmus+ National Agency Higher Education (NA DAAD) and the German…
Erasmus+: Greener, More Inclusive, More Digital and More International? Initial insights into the new funding modules for mobility
Transversal Erasmus+ Priorities: Drivers of Strategic Developments Based on the example of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Promoting Diversity und Inclusion Erasmus+ − a strategic instrument at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences
Sustainable Development of Networks and Partnerships Through BIPs Blended Intensive Programmes are continuing to be a valuable and important addition to strategic…
Using Global Mobility Strategically How can the Erasmus+ programme make a tangible contribution towards the internationalisation of…
Ministries of the Federal States Support EU Programmes Various federal state-level ministries in Germany (Landesministerien) support Erasmus+ and EU…
EU Funding Programmes – a Building Block for Strategic Internationalisation The University of Cologne and the Erasmus+ programme